Beautiful... I love this paragraph and so relate: "Time doesn’t feel the same forever, (said the 29-year-old). It stretches and snaps. Moments that feel big and overwhelming dull as we move farther away from them, their waves taking longer to reach us. Grief and Love feel like cousins of Time, cohabiting for years before making cyclical appearances. My time with my cousin in Morristown feels like a decade ago but when I access those memories, they stretch, filling my chest with each inhale."
Just catching up on my reading, Love you Ev! Big hug from your UP!
We are, all of us layers upon layers........
I love this my dear, beautifully written! Your story has just begun!!
Thank you so much 💖💖💖
All the feels, Ev.
Ugh thank you for all the support 💛💛💛
Well written!
Thank you Mr.Forman!
Crying into my tea, honey! Just beautiful
Thank you for always inspiring my love for writing, couldn't do it without you
Beautiful... I love this paragraph and so relate: "Time doesn’t feel the same forever, (said the 29-year-old). It stretches and snaps. Moments that feel big and overwhelming dull as we move farther away from them, their waves taking longer to reach us. Grief and Love feel like cousins of Time, cohabiting for years before making cyclical appearances. My time with my cousin in Morristown feels like a decade ago but when I access those memories, they stretch, filling my chest with each inhale."
Thank you so much for reading! That paragraph is my favorite, too. The ones that flow while writing are always the most truthful.